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文章出处:   责任编辑:   发布时间:2015-10-21 17:55:00    点击数:-   【


Puff out your chests & be very proud of yourselves. I was so sceptical when I saw your product Shower Power. What a SURPRISE!

I have been telling everyone to buy a bottle and halve the time in cleaning the shower. It's a pleasure now to see the lovely shine. The mould and scum melt away. You have restored my faith in cleaning products.

Mrs.P.H., S.A.

挺起胸膛为自己自豪吧。当我第一次看到shower power的产品时,我持怀疑态度,但事实证明,这个系列产品带给我大大的惊喜


Mrs.P.H., S.A.

I was ashamed of my shower. No product and no amount of scrubbing could improve it. I saw Shower Power on TV & decided to give it a go. I must admit, I was sceptical! Well, it has worked great. I'm very happy with your product. It smells great too, no fumes etc.. My shower looks white now - not cream.

Mrs.E.H., QLD.

我曾经为我的浴室感到羞愧。没有一款产品能够真正有效把它弄干净,即使更多大力的擦洗也丝毫不起作用。我是在电视上看到SHOWER POWER的。使用下来竟然效果很好。我对这些产品非常满意。味道也很好,一点不呛鼻。我的浴室现在终于洁白干净了。

Mrs.E.H., QLD.

I have two pet lorikeets and they are the messiest birds you could have inside the house. They flick there wet food all over their cages and it sticks to the bars. All I do is wipe the bars with Shower Power, let it sit a few minutes and rinse well with water. All the mess comes off the bars without any work at all. Oh - I do take the birds out of the cage of course. Shower Power is my favourite cleaning product!

Mrs. Macauley, QLD.


I tried Shower Power on the vinyl floor and the greasy oil was cleaned up in no time at all and the children's bath toys! After spraying Shower Power on them and leaving them for about a minute, then washing them with a toothbrush in the hard- to- reach spots, the toys are now nice and clean..thanks for Shower Power!

Mrs. Ward, Elliminyt, VIC.


Mrs. Ward, Elliminyt, VIC.

Shower Power is the only product that will clean the bore water stains off our windows.

Mrs. Moreland, Robe, S.A.


Mrs. Moreland, Robe, S.A.

"I use Shower Power to clean the mould from around my front door. It just wipes straight off. BEAUTIFUL!"

J Heath, N.S.W.


J Heath, N.S.W.

*Wipe off insects from the front of your car with a Shower Power and a damp cloth.

Mrs.J.B., S.A.


Mrs.J.B., S.A.

Remove pet stains from carpet mats with Shower Power -spray it on and hose it off. (hose outside, of course) "the carpet looks like new!"

Mrs.N.R., N.S.W.


Mrs.N.R., N.S.W.

"Our house is 7yrs. old and no matter what I used the grouting turned yellow and the tiles never sparkled, but now looks brand new. Four weeks - that's all it took. Please don't stop making this product."

H. Sowden, Camden Views, N.S.W.


H. Sowden, Camden Views, N.S.W.

"I spray Shower Power onto my shower curtain, leaving it for 10 minutes and then pop it straight into the washing machine. My curtain is spotlessly clean without any elbow work. It's fantastic!"

J. Santucci, Ballajura, W.A.


J. Santucci, Ballajura, W.A.

"I've tried all sorts of other products on my unsightly shower glass door-nothing worked. I really didn't believe this product would work either,' til I tried it and surprise... it actually does work!. Thank you."

C. Synnott, Golden Square, VIC.


C. Synnott, Golden Square, VIC.

Use Shower Power full strength as a degreaser on your car engine and finish with a strong jet of water (being careful of the electrical components)

Mr.R.B., QLD.


Mr.R.B., QLD.

Put Shower Power in your windscreen-washer resevoir 10-1 water.

Clean your jewellery with a few drops of Shower Power in a glass of water and leave for 60 seconds, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Mrs.V.S., VIC.



Mrs.V.S., VIC.